Keeptrack - QR
Powerful QR codes based on digital link - Tracking the Value Chainデジタルリンク方式による高機能QRコード - サプライチェーン追跡管理

See more info and authetisity
Utilizing the power of GS1
Make sure the product is real and that you have traceability of the valuechain

Size info
Detailed measurements including weight, length, and fat content provide precise quality indicators for this premium catch, ensuring you know exactly what you're getting.重量、長さ、脂肪分の詳細な測定値により、高級な漁獲物の品質指標を正確に把握でき、製品の特徴を完全に理解できます。

Location info
View the exact catch location on an interactive map and see authenticated images taken at the time of catch, providing complete transparency of origin.インタラクティブな地図上で正確な漁獲位置を確認し、漁獲時に撮影された認証済み画像により、原産地の完全な透明性を提供します。

Vessel info
Discover the specialized fishing methods used, learn about our experienced fishing vessel, and understand how careful storage maintains premium quality from catch to market.専門的な漁法、経験豊富な漁船について学び、漁獲から市場までの品質維持のための慎重な保管方法をご理解ください。
We know traceability
Meet the team
We have been in the industry of traceability the last 20 years starting with meat.

Inhouse development team utilizing a platform to deliver for your needs
Based on GS1
Using the same standard as the barcode. The system can be used throughout the valuechain.
Keeping track is what we do
From Tuna and seaweed to logistics and trucks. Keeptrack and Invig is focusing on traceability and location tracking
© Keeptrack - An Invig Company -